Wednesday, July 20, 2011

O Goldoni, Goldoni, Wherefore Art Thou?

By Jonathan Jones
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A hot mess is on stage at Shakespeare & Company, if ever there was one, and The Venetian Twins is it. In fairness, I must first point out that the star, David Joseph, is incredibly gifted and too talented to be wasting his time in this dreck. Second, there were many children in the audience whom appeared to be amused by this monstrosity. But I am not a child and David Joseph should be doing brilliant work far from this ode to Nickelodeon/Disney Channel children's entertainment.

Unto itself, Goldoni's classic Commedia confection is indeed worthy of revival and given the nature of the form, should certainly be updated as a production sees fit. Nonetheless, here, with jokes about Beyonce and dialogue like, "Oh no she didn't" and diva snaps and attitude to follow, this work was amateurish and misguided: high school theatre run amok. You can do better S & C, you can do better.

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